
Don't Rely on Procurement


Do not start by selling to procurement

As easy as it is to start with a department that is literally called “purchasing”, you should not start your “reach out” here

Sell to the people that need your solution

You make a sale because someone has a need for the product/service you are offering.

So, instead of relying on procurement, rely on the person that actually needs and will understand the value (not the price) of the solution you are offering. Start there!

If your deal(s) are stalled in procurement. . .

  • Understand your customer’s process
  • Organizations vary widely, especially in how they purchase. Understand the process they have to go through. And when you are stalled, go back to your stakeholder and talk to them. The stakeholder is the ones with a vested interest in buying your product. Consequently, if it stalls and doesn’t get done, they will have the most to lose (and gain!).

  • Think about procurement’s role
  • Procurement’s role ends pretty quickly--right after a purchase order is issued. Your stakeholder will be involved much longer. So, in some organizations, their role is to get a better price or follow a check list. Understand this up front: if you know that procurement is going to ask for an additional 5% discount, be prepared for and account for this up front.

  • Don’t ever give without taking
  • A procurement organization will always ask for something during negotiations. Be prepared for this and always ask for something in return. This is how you get to a win-win agreement. If you keep giving, without asking in return, it may be a long path to get a deal done!

In summary, stop relying on procurement! Instead, rely on, and talk to the people that actually need your solution.

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