Don't Overlook Your Website, Part 1
11/08/2021Don’t let your website turn into a yard sign
So, you have a website. Great! But how effective is it? It is not enough to simply have a web presence. Your website should be active and effective in achieving company goals and bringing in prospects.
However, if you overlook it, it will be more like a yard sign or digitized product brochure with no activity!
Think like your customer
When a customer thinks of buying something, they will do a lot of research on the web before even engaging with somebody to buy it.
They will look at things such as customer reviews, product videos, top products in that category, and visit several websites to find out what’s in it for them.
Therefore, for your website to be effective, it should truly target your customers, their specific persona, and the pain/challenge/problem they are trying to solve.
KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) principle
Your website should be very simple by ensuring that it:
- Is very targeted
- Has a call to action that will generate expressions of interest
- Has internal pathways with group content
Critical factors to consider when putting together your website
- Your overall strategy should focus on driving your customer to and through your website. Align yourself with your customer’s journey.
- Include chat on your website. Interacting with your prospect at the time when they are thinking about your product is very important. It is critical to give them the ability to interact with you and even ask questions.
In summary, having an effective website is critical in getting prospective customers and should not be overlooked. A website that is very simple, targeted, has a call to action, chat option, and internal pathways with group content will help you to grow and succeed.
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