Don't Let Your Ego Get in the Way of Your Company's Growth (Know Your Role)
08/24/2021Substitute confidence for ego
Growing your company needs confidence, not ego.
Confidence in your people that is.
At some point, you have to get smart people who are good at what they do, get out of the way, and let them do it.
But to do this, you need to be confident enough to:
- Understand your weaknesses
- Acknowledge your weaknesses
- Hire talent to fill these gaps.
Founder doesn’t necessarily equal CEO
Founding a company is difficult, and certainly can be done with a wide variety of skills, including technical, engineering, sales, financial or operations
Being a CEO of a growing company, though, often requires a different skill set.
So, a founder who knows that they don’t have the skill set should hire a CEO.
As a famous wrestler once said “Know your role. . .
Whether it’s as CEO or not, know your limitations and role.
. . . and shut your mouth!
Sure, you’re the founder.
But some founders give in to the temptation to try to control everything; and in the process, they end up meddling.
This frustrates people, who eventually leave the company, ultimately leading to stymied growth at best and failure at the worst.
To avoid this, hire the right people with the right skills to get the jobs done and stop meddling.
In summary, as a founder, for you to grow, be aware of your weaknesses , hire the right people, empower them to make decisions, manage results, and change what’s not working, fast!
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